Henry's Details
Full name: Henry Xavier Murphy Wolverton
Nicknames: Harry, Hal, Hank, Enrique, Henri, "Buddy," Little Guy, Booda, Hen, Bud, Sonny, Baby
Birthdate: April 2, 2004
Time of Birth: 8:24 p.m. PST
Weight at Birth: 7 lbs., 15 oz.
Current Weight: 18 lbs., 4 oz. (as of 10/8/04)
Previous Weigh-in: 16 lbs., 4 oz. (8/2/04)
Length at Birth: 19 in.
Current Length: 25.5 inches (as of 10/8/04)
Previous Measurement: 24.5 inches (8/2/04)
Hair Color: Light brown/reddish-blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Birth: San Jose, CA
Hometown: San Francisco, CA
Parents: Troy Wolverton and Tara Murphy
Paternal Grandparents: Peter and Betty Wolverton
Maternal Grandparents: Dan and Karen Murphy
Uncles and Aunts: Anina and Trevor Murphy (Tara's siblings); Kim Furuyama and Mike Muñoz (Troy's older sister and her husband), and Stacy Wolverton (Troy's younger sister)
Cousins: Charles Michael Furuyama Muñoz***
***On the way. Due November 25!
Pets: Kayla, Grace and Haillee
Favorite Songs (as of 10/04): "Three Little Monkeys" Jerry Garcia & David Grisman: "Jenny Jenkins," "Freight Train," "There Ain't No Bugs on Me"
Previous Favorites: "The Eyes of Texas;" The Kinks: "Come Dancing;" Cat Stevens: "Wild World"
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